13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

ResCoalition Notes

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ResCoalition has been busy. . . 
We now have one bill moving forward in the legislature - AB1554 - this is to require regional centers to make all vendor rates public and any money given to housing cooperatives.  We defended it last week at hearing and it passed without opposition.  In addition we have a spot bill with Senator Emerson that we've finalized and the language is not getting "written" for the bill. This bill will be the new Audit bill.  Contrary to what we said LAST MONTH, Emerson has changed his mind and the bill will now state that no one under $2 million dollars in revenue will have to get an audit.  Feel free to let us know your thoughts on this change.  
Budget update . . . 
DDS has finished it's 6 stakeholder meetings.  This week they're in budget hearings with the legislature - yesterday and Wed and yes, ResCoalition is there.  It was expected that they'd tell the legislature the outcome of the dialogue of the stakeholder meetings.  This didn't happen yesterday.  DDS basically just stated the governor's proposal and that they were working on, as yet named, options.  So we still have no clue what DDS is considering regarding the return of the 4.25% cuts.  

500th post!

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Heya blog readers! Today I have an awesome milestone to share with you, this is the 500th blog post on this blog! I started this blog on February 13th 2007 to share news and process of my art making. I added crafty projects, things I love in LA and sometimes get distracted sharing about jam and other tasty snacks. I'm pretty proud to have stayed with it this long.
To celebrate I'm doing a give a way! I've never done one of these things so please take pity on me and participate. All you have to do is post a comment in the comments and I'll assign a number and do a random number generator thing. Make sure that your comment links to an email address or I know you :)

I'll be giving away two sets of mini prints. The first set is four horizontal mini prints. Two birds - one diagram and one from a photo of a dead bird. A pig and a airplane about to lift off. The pig is particularly awesome and the plane has a great vintage photo feel to it.

The second is four vertical mini prints. Honey comb bees, cutting the fuse, a log section and a radiant deer.
Each mini print is hot off the cutting board! You can frame these all together, separately or use them as fancy gift cards. You can also frame one up and give it away as a framed gift. I'll mail four prints off to two lucky peeps! They are each 5x7.
I'm also pretty excited to share news of photoshop touch for the iPad. I put in my purchase today and I've been teaching myself the in's and out's. It's pretty great so far, I can save pics from my iPhone photo stream to the iPad and then edit them and upload to a blog post. It has a lot more control than my other editing apps and has the familiar feel of photoshop. Check it out if your an igadget junkie like I am.

Ah, I'm adding that this will be open till Monday, a week from today.


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This past, past weekend was one of those whirlwind tours around Los Angeles! With a good friend in town and lots of events to go we got to dress up and go about all sorts of fun. I thought I'd share some of the things we did and saw so you can enjoy as well.

Dress up and thrift stores! Two nights in a row we got dolled up all purty style, once to visit the Santa Monica pier with a great group of friends and the second to go to the Edwardian ball downtown. I got both my dresses the day before at the local thrift and both were a super hit.

Bike rides! We rode from our house in the mountains all the way out to the beach in Venice. It's about thirty miles, a really nice ride in the afternoon. Course we stopped for coffee, fancy shoe shopping and tacos along the way. Los Angeles is more bike friendly than folks often think, once you figure out you just have to get around a few obstacles and you're ok riding in traffic it's pretty doable. I love the trails and paths but I also really dig just riding with the flow of traffic.

All the way out in Venice we went to one of my favorite places and then even went back another day. The Tasting Kitchen on abbot kinney. It's a great restaurant and an even more fabulous bar. The bar is a great place to sit at the counter enjoying some drinks and snacks.

Another day in Venice we shopped along abbot kinney visiting all the awesome stores. I fell in love with a fancy new perfume I'll just have to save up for and we bought a bunch of stone ground chocolate from Chocovino, yum!

Since we typically spend most of our time on the east side, downtown and up in the mountains it was a nice change to be over on the west side three different times in a weekend!

and then

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i went out of town again!

we had a few weekends of home time to finish painting the house and start work on some new screen prints before we had some plans to be away again. and i kinda forgot about the 500th post thing, but i did a hat drawing this morning and the winners are Robin and Swayframe! woot, thanks for commenting you guys! 

since i've been so busy recently i've just been making things and then using them, i havn't been taking the time to blog about stuff and share with you. i hope to have some art posts up next week if i get into the studio but you never know how that's gonna go. in the mean time i've been making pickled veggies, hand tooling belts, enjoying our giant farmbox for dinners, plotting some huge canning projects and planning out some projects for our epic wedding reception party in May.

oh, and some great bike rides like later today to downtown LA. a crisp spring afternoon ride with the wind pushing me downhill and my hands all toasty in mittens. hope your up to fun stuff as well!

here's some pics from this past weekend, we motored up to the bay area for 5 days for various reasons and had a great time.

something new

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here's something a little bit new from the studio!
teeny tiny strategic plan mini prints!

recently i sold the last of the large format strategic plan prints, i decided i still wanted to be able to share such an inspirational message with my friends so i decided to print them up much smaller as mini prints.

each one in 5x7 and printed on various recycled materials. you can put them in a frame or just tack them to the wall. here's a few up close.

 Each mini print is $10. I'll have a bunch of them for sale at Artwalk next weekend, March 31/April 1 and I have a listing on etsy with them for sale!


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Hm, I think I've let something get totally remiss around these parts. I don't think I blogged about one of my favorite things recently, The Cuppow!

 As a lover of all things canned, I tend to have canning jars floating around the house in one size or another. The Cuppow takes a wide mouth canning jar and makes it into a drinking sippy cup. Kinda the best thing ever! My fella is much happier to see me walking towards his car with a jar filled with sticky creamy iced coffee now that he knows it's got a sippy lid on it. I mean, he's still not thrilled :) but he at least pretends I'm less likely to spill this way.

It works great on a quart jar for water and let's just be honest here- it also works super swell if you wanna pre-mix up a Manhattan for the road to drink when you get where you're going. The teeny, tiny half pint wide mouth jars are just perfect for this.
aw, isn't it just the cutest Manhattan you ever did see?

The Cuppow is $8 a pop. Not the cheapest piece of plastic you can pick up but I've yet to loose either of the two I bought a few months ago so maybe the $8 keeps me keeping track of it a bit more.

Also, the flat canning lid will still fit under The Cuppow for when you want to toss the whole thing in your bag and drink from your sippy jar when you get somewhere. Just un-screw the ring, remove the lid and sip away.

ArtWalk at the Brewery

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It's that time of year again, time for ArtWalk at The Brewery! I've finished up some new things to share with you and I hope you can all make it. I have a few new large size prints and a slew of new assorted mini prints including the awesome new Strategic Plan mini print.

As usual I'll be showing at Theory Labs with other great artists. The event goes from 11am-6pm, come early to beat the crowds and get parking.

2100 North Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031
 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Admission is free and so is parking.

Here's a pic of a new print I just finished this last weekend, it's since been trimmed to size and signed. All ready to go to some happy homes!