13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar


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This past, past weekend was one of those whirlwind tours around Los Angeles! With a good friend in town and lots of events to go we got to dress up and go about all sorts of fun. I thought I'd share some of the things we did and saw so you can enjoy as well.

Dress up and thrift stores! Two nights in a row we got dolled up all purty style, once to visit the Santa Monica pier with a great group of friends and the second to go to the Edwardian ball downtown. I got both my dresses the day before at the local thrift and both were a super hit.

Bike rides! We rode from our house in the mountains all the way out to the beach in Venice. It's about thirty miles, a really nice ride in the afternoon. Course we stopped for coffee, fancy shoe shopping and tacos along the way. Los Angeles is more bike friendly than folks often think, once you figure out you just have to get around a few obstacles and you're ok riding in traffic it's pretty doable. I love the trails and paths but I also really dig just riding with the flow of traffic.

All the way out in Venice we went to one of my favorite places and then even went back another day. The Tasting Kitchen on abbot kinney. It's a great restaurant and an even more fabulous bar. The bar is a great place to sit at the counter enjoying some drinks and snacks.

Another day in Venice we shopped along abbot kinney visiting all the awesome stores. I fell in love with a fancy new perfume I'll just have to save up for and we bought a bunch of stone ground chocolate from Chocovino, yum!

Since we typically spend most of our time on the east side, downtown and up in the mountains it was a nice change to be over on the west side three different times in a weekend!

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