13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

party, party, party!

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Whoo, it's fun putting together a great big ol' party. The fella and I are celebrating our marriage next month with a great big fun party that I've been puttering away at. We all know I love craft projects and I love to plan so it's been super fun.

So that accounts for the radio silence around the blog parts, I've been buying stuff, folding stuff, drawing stuff, making stuff, canning stuff and planning up a storm. I normally blog about the stuff I make as I make it but I want all the fun details to be a surprise for our guests so it's mum's the word on blog posts for a bit.

I have a print that I made last month that I need to share better pics of with you and share a bit about the process to make it but darn it if I keep forgetting to get the print out in the sun to take pics of it. Instead I'm thinking about fancy cakes and if pie is a good idea for desert as well... Don't worry, the answer is yes :)

Here's a few random pics along the way that don't reveal too much until I get some decent pics of the newest screen print to share with you.

Making 17 quarts of home made bbq sauce to go with the brisket and sausage and grilled eggplant my pops will be cooking up. it took 3 batches of sauce in my pretty big pot to make that much! The extra big pot on the right is what I use to can in, it holds 6 quart jars at once!

 Poppies to draw to make screen prints. i know you're not supposed to pick them but we have quite a few growing so I didn't make a dent in the hillside. Not gonna tell you exactly what they are gonna be printed on just to say I bought 22 yards of fabric to do it!
 Washing abalone shells. These have been banging around the yard and family stuff for years. No real idea where they came from or who dived for them. judging on the size though it was quite a long time ago. They are so beautiful and opalescent I can't wait to use them in decorations. Any time you already have 2 dozen of something it's kinda fun to work it into to the decor and save your pennies for fancy cake!

So that's just a peek. Based on how the last few weeks since Artwalk have just flown by I'll prolly be kinda slack around here posting for a bit but you know I'll still be crafting and plotting up a storm!

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