13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

ResCoalition Notes

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ResCoalition has been busy. . . 
We now have one bill moving forward in the legislature - AB1554 - this is to require regional centers to make all vendor rates public and any money given to housing cooperatives.  We defended it last week at hearing and it passed without opposition.  In addition we have a spot bill with Senator Emerson that we've finalized and the language is not getting "written" for the bill. This bill will be the new Audit bill.  Contrary to what we said LAST MONTH, Emerson has changed his mind and the bill will now state that no one under $2 million dollars in revenue will have to get an audit.  Feel free to let us know your thoughts on this change.  
Budget update . . . 
DDS has finished it's 6 stakeholder meetings.  This week they're in budget hearings with the legislature - yesterday and Wed and yes, ResCoalition is there.  It was expected that they'd tell the legislature the outcome of the dialogue of the stakeholder meetings.  This didn't happen yesterday.  DDS basically just stated the governor's proposal and that they were working on, as yet named, options.  So we still have no clue what DDS is considering regarding the return of the 4.25% cuts.  

500th post!

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Heya blog readers! Today I have an awesome milestone to share with you, this is the 500th blog post on this blog! I started this blog on February 13th 2007 to share news and process of my art making. I added crafty projects, things I love in LA and sometimes get distracted sharing about jam and other tasty snacks. I'm pretty proud to have stayed with it this long.
To celebrate I'm doing a give a way! I've never done one of these things so please take pity on me and participate. All you have to do is post a comment in the comments and I'll assign a number and do a random number generator thing. Make sure that your comment links to an email address or I know you :)

I'll be giving away two sets of mini prints. The first set is four horizontal mini prints. Two birds - one diagram and one from a photo of a dead bird. A pig and a airplane about to lift off. The pig is particularly awesome and the plane has a great vintage photo feel to it.

The second is four vertical mini prints. Honey comb bees, cutting the fuse, a log section and a radiant deer.
Each mini print is hot off the cutting board! You can frame these all together, separately or use them as fancy gift cards. You can also frame one up and give it away as a framed gift. I'll mail four prints off to two lucky peeps! They are each 5x7.
I'm also pretty excited to share news of photoshop touch for the iPad. I put in my purchase today and I've been teaching myself the in's and out's. It's pretty great so far, I can save pics from my iPhone photo stream to the iPad and then edit them and upload to a blog post. It has a lot more control than my other editing apps and has the familiar feel of photoshop. Check it out if your an igadget junkie like I am.

Ah, I'm adding that this will be open till Monday, a week from today.


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This past, past weekend was one of those whirlwind tours around Los Angeles! With a good friend in town and lots of events to go we got to dress up and go about all sorts of fun. I thought I'd share some of the things we did and saw so you can enjoy as well.

Dress up and thrift stores! Two nights in a row we got dolled up all purty style, once to visit the Santa Monica pier with a great group of friends and the second to go to the Edwardian ball downtown. I got both my dresses the day before at the local thrift and both were a super hit.

Bike rides! We rode from our house in the mountains all the way out to the beach in Venice. It's about thirty miles, a really nice ride in the afternoon. Course we stopped for coffee, fancy shoe shopping and tacos along the way. Los Angeles is more bike friendly than folks often think, once you figure out you just have to get around a few obstacles and you're ok riding in traffic it's pretty doable. I love the trails and paths but I also really dig just riding with the flow of traffic.

All the way out in Venice we went to one of my favorite places and then even went back another day. The Tasting Kitchen on abbot kinney. It's a great restaurant and an even more fabulous bar. The bar is a great place to sit at the counter enjoying some drinks and snacks.

Another day in Venice we shopped along abbot kinney visiting all the awesome stores. I fell in love with a fancy new perfume I'll just have to save up for and we bought a bunch of stone ground chocolate from Chocovino, yum!

Since we typically spend most of our time on the east side, downtown and up in the mountains it was a nice change to be over on the west side three different times in a weekend!

and then

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i went out of town again!

we had a few weekends of home time to finish painting the house and start work on some new screen prints before we had some plans to be away again. and i kinda forgot about the 500th post thing, but i did a hat drawing this morning and the winners are Robin and Swayframe! woot, thanks for commenting you guys! 

since i've been so busy recently i've just been making things and then using them, i havn't been taking the time to blog about stuff and share with you. i hope to have some art posts up next week if i get into the studio but you never know how that's gonna go. in the mean time i've been making pickled veggies, hand tooling belts, enjoying our giant farmbox for dinners, plotting some huge canning projects and planning out some projects for our epic wedding reception party in May.

oh, and some great bike rides like later today to downtown LA. a crisp spring afternoon ride with the wind pushing me downhill and my hands all toasty in mittens. hope your up to fun stuff as well!

here's some pics from this past weekend, we motored up to the bay area for 5 days for various reasons and had a great time.

something new

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here's something a little bit new from the studio!
teeny tiny strategic plan mini prints!

recently i sold the last of the large format strategic plan prints, i decided i still wanted to be able to share such an inspirational message with my friends so i decided to print them up much smaller as mini prints.

each one in 5x7 and printed on various recycled materials. you can put them in a frame or just tack them to the wall. here's a few up close.

 Each mini print is $10. I'll have a bunch of them for sale at Artwalk next weekend, March 31/April 1 and I have a listing on etsy with them for sale!


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Hm, I think I've let something get totally remiss around these parts. I don't think I blogged about one of my favorite things recently, The Cuppow!

 As a lover of all things canned, I tend to have canning jars floating around the house in one size or another. The Cuppow takes a wide mouth canning jar and makes it into a drinking sippy cup. Kinda the best thing ever! My fella is much happier to see me walking towards his car with a jar filled with sticky creamy iced coffee now that he knows it's got a sippy lid on it. I mean, he's still not thrilled :) but he at least pretends I'm less likely to spill this way.

It works great on a quart jar for water and let's just be honest here- it also works super swell if you wanna pre-mix up a Manhattan for the road to drink when you get where you're going. The teeny, tiny half pint wide mouth jars are just perfect for this.
aw, isn't it just the cutest Manhattan you ever did see?

The Cuppow is $8 a pop. Not the cheapest piece of plastic you can pick up but I've yet to loose either of the two I bought a few months ago so maybe the $8 keeps me keeping track of it a bit more.

Also, the flat canning lid will still fit under The Cuppow for when you want to toss the whole thing in your bag and drink from your sippy jar when you get somewhere. Just un-screw the ring, remove the lid and sip away.

ArtWalk at the Brewery

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It's that time of year again, time for ArtWalk at The Brewery! I've finished up some new things to share with you and I hope you can all make it. I have a few new large size prints and a slew of new assorted mini prints including the awesome new Strategic Plan mini print.

As usual I'll be showing at Theory Labs with other great artists. The event goes from 11am-6pm, come early to beat the crowds and get parking.

2100 North Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031
 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Admission is free and so is parking.

Here's a pic of a new print I just finished this last weekend, it's since been trimmed to size and signed. All ready to go to some happy homes!

party, party, party!

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Whoo, it's fun putting together a great big ol' party. The fella and I are celebrating our marriage next month with a great big fun party that I've been puttering away at. We all know I love craft projects and I love to plan so it's been super fun.

So that accounts for the radio silence around the blog parts, I've been buying stuff, folding stuff, drawing stuff, making stuff, canning stuff and planning up a storm. I normally blog about the stuff I make as I make it but I want all the fun details to be a surprise for our guests so it's mum's the word on blog posts for a bit.

I have a print that I made last month that I need to share better pics of with you and share a bit about the process to make it but darn it if I keep forgetting to get the print out in the sun to take pics of it. Instead I'm thinking about fancy cakes and if pie is a good idea for desert as well... Don't worry, the answer is yes :)

Here's a few random pics along the way that don't reveal too much until I get some decent pics of the newest screen print to share with you.

Making 17 quarts of home made bbq sauce to go with the brisket and sausage and grilled eggplant my pops will be cooking up. it took 3 batches of sauce in my pretty big pot to make that much! The extra big pot on the right is what I use to can in, it holds 6 quart jars at once!

 Poppies to draw to make screen prints. i know you're not supposed to pick them but we have quite a few growing so I didn't make a dent in the hillside. Not gonna tell you exactly what they are gonna be printed on just to say I bought 22 yards of fabric to do it!
 Washing abalone shells. These have been banging around the yard and family stuff for years. No real idea where they came from or who dived for them. judging on the size though it was quite a long time ago. They are so beautiful and opalescent I can't wait to use them in decorations. Any time you already have 2 dozen of something it's kinda fun to work it into to the decor and save your pennies for fancy cake!

So that's just a peek. Based on how the last few weeks since Artwalk have just flown by I'll prolly be kinda slack around here posting for a bit but you know I'll still be crafting and plotting up a storm!

screen printing yardage

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yep yardage!
 ever wonder how something super long gets screen printed? well, it typically involves a super long table. recently i wanted to screen print some yardage for a part of the decorations at our wedding party. i bought 22 yards of 60inch wide linen fabric and tore it down into18inches by 22 yards lengths. but 22 yards long is still real long!

we figured we could pull all of our tables from storage and those combined with our extra big outdoor table would prolly be enough. ok, we had to buy 2 tables...but strangely that's all we had to buy. owning an audio company where every pa package and dj rig goes out with a table is helpful for random craft projects!

my fella set up all the tables to be as level as can be and that combined with a few tricks- laying out a paper layer behind the fabric and thin cardboard over every crack between the tables gave us really great results. i was able to bust through the printing part of the project in a day.

that's pretty impressive even for myself, it was such a huge project i think i just wanted to be done with it so i buckled down and printed all day! good thing too because it rained the very next day and the tables and paper would have gotten all wet if left out.

it looks kinda easy there but you have to stagger your layers and create marks as to where each screen will be moved to when you print next. and you have to print without clamps or registration, just hold real firm and try to get a good impression. i'm really happy with the way these turned out and i can't wait to use them at our party in May and for future parties!


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so, back to some printmaking for a moment here. I made this print a few months ago. It's 16x20, 4 layers with two different gradient fades. i printed the background layer first, a full HUGE 14x18 coat of ink. I mean, it's not huge but it is pretty tricky to pull that much ink and not have big giant messes of ink everywhere. when you have that much ink on the screen things can go horribly wrong.  so after i had the background done i printed the bullets, then the starburst, then the text.
oohhh, a close up of the two different fades! the background is purpleish to blue and the expansion starburst is a deep lime green to forest.
this print was pretty fun for me because it used a few different drawings that i made a while ago. sometimes when i'm at a loss for what to make or how to inspire myself i assign myself drawing assignments and these two drawings were part of one of those from a few years ago. i had printouts of the drawings in one of my sketchbooks that i kept moving from one book to the next waiting for the right time to combine them into a new print. the text and bullets are from a gunsmithing book and i'm not really sure right now what book the starburst might have been inspired from.

it's interesting sometimes how things putter around in your creative brain until everything comes together to give it a new combination in a new way.

Backpacking Water Filters, Help to Keep Things Clean

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Many people enjoy pursing the hobby of backpacking, but one issue that they do not enjoy is the lack of safe water. Because of the increasing pollution in the streams, rivers, creeks and other bodies of water, a backpacker has to carry their own water with them to be sure that the water is unpolluted. Carrying water to last for a day hike or longer can be very inconvenient at times and in these types of situations, it makes sense to utilize backpacking water filters for the trip. By using one of these portable filters, you can convert dangerous water into water that is safe for human consumption.

Backpacking Water Filters

Backpacking water filters come in a few different styles, but the most common is the bottle type. With this type of filter, the bottle has an attached filter and one can squeeze the water through the filter where it is cleaned of the various waste and bacteria. This makes it easy when one is on a backpacking excursion or even a hike to only carry a bottle of water and then be able to fill up again at a water source along the trail.

In addition to hiking uses, a backpacking water filter can be beneficial for those who cycle, walk, run or any other type of outdoor activity where keeping hydrated can become an issue. These water filters are very simple to use and quite lightweight. There is a variety of styles to choose from and many are quite inexpensive. Most bottle types work best for a single individual, whereas other types of filters can be used for larger groups of people.

Backpacking Water Filter Systems

Water filters are a wonderful way to make sure the water that is being used for cooking or drinking does not contain the harmful bacteria and other contaminants that can be found in most sources of water today. There have been many studies that show that most water is full of harmful properties that can result in health issues if consumed. In addition, a backpacking water filter can be beneficial at home as well. Most tap water is unhealthy. Even though water is treated at large municipal water treatment facilities, all the contaminants are not removed. Once the water travels through the pipes to a home’s water faucet, it may have also picked up other dangerous sediments as well. With a bottle type water filter, water can be filtered before it is used for drinking purposes. In most cases, this filtered water is better for a person than even bottled water and it is definitely less expensive

Getting Back to Nature Using Camping Water Filters

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One outdoor activity that many people are drawn to is camping. In today’s high-paced environment, many feel the need to get back to nature and take things at a slower pace. Camping can be a wonderful way to do this. One thing that most campers are well aware of is the dangers that can come from drinking the water from natural sources like lakes, rivers, streams and creeks. Due to the increase pollution, this water may be harmful. In many cases, campers are required to bring their own bottled water when they camp, this can be quite inconvenient. One way that many have found to combat this difficulty is through the use of camping water filters.

LifeSaver Water Filter Bottle

A camping water filter is a portable device that comes in a variety of shapes and styles. It is designed to make it easy for a camper to take the water they find in nature and filter out the bacteria, chemicals and other impurities that are present. By doing this, it makes the filtered water safe for cooking and drinking. Carrying the filtering system is much more convenient than bringing gallons of bottled water, and with a water filter and a nearby water source, the supply of water one has is almost limitless.

These portable filtration devices work in much the same way as the larger more permanent ones do. They take impure water in and push it through a special filter that screens out the harmful substances, leaving only safe water. Some operate by the use of a hand pump while others are of the squeeze variety where the water is squeezed through the filter. Both are effective and easy to use. They can be a valuable resource for a camper.

Adventurer Opti SteriPEN Water Purifiers

Planning a trip into the great outdoors can be a wonderful way to relax and get back to nature. There are many beautiful places where one can camp and it can be a fun way to spend time with one’s family and friends. With such a great setting, worrying about whether or not the water you are drinking will make you sick, puts a terrible damper on things. Not knowing what type of illness you might be setting yourself up for when you drink a cup of water, is just not a fun way to spend time. By using a camping water filter, you can eliminate this worry and get back to the enjoyable aspects that come with camping and being in nature.

Water Purifiers Keeping Families Safe

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Most water these days has many types of water contaminants in it. Due to the pollution in the environment, much of our natural water is unsafe to drink. For this reason, the water that is delivered to homes and businesses must first be treated at water treatment facilities. These procedures are beneficial in removing much of the foreign objects and other elements of the water, but there are still contaminants that remain. In addition, during the trip through the pipes of the city to your house or office, it may also pick up sediments containing other toxins. While this water is not ruled unsafe, it may still be unhealthy. Drinking water with these elements can be very unbeneficial to your health and for this reason, many use devices such as water purifiers or filters to help remove some of these remaining contaminants.

Platypus Cleanstream Gravity Filter

A water purifier works by pushing the water through a filter before it is used for drinking, cooking or other purposes. This process works because the filter can trap much of the harmful contaminants before they are used for human consumption. Water that is free of chemicals, bacteria and other negative elements is much better tasting and much safer to use.

There are many types of water purifiers that can be used. Some affect the whole house by being installed right at the point of entry for the water from the city. Others will work by being installed at one faucet in the home either beneath the sink or on the faucet itself. There are also smaller units that will process water a bit at a time. These can be dispensers or even pitcher types that are small and easy to use. In addition, for those who travel or spend a good deal of time in the outdoors, there are bottle purifiers that work on cleaning water, a bottle at a time.

Depending on your needs, any of these water purifiers will be an excellent way to make sure that the water you and your family consume is safe and healthy. Using these devices can eliminate many types of elements that have been proven to cause cancer, respiratory issues and other health issues. In addition, water that is free of chemicals and other elements smells better, is more appealing to look at and the taste is far superior to water that has not been purified. There are purifiers that can fit in most budgets and they are fairly simple to use so anyone can find a device that will help them keep their family safe.

Water Filter Parts & Accessories

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A process that is biological or chemical in nature or a barrier of physical nature that is extremely fine is used for getting the impurities removed from the water while being filtered. Water in pools for swimming, aquariums, water for drinking and for irrigation etc needs to be filtered before it is used. Different kinds of water filter parts & accessories for filtering water are available in the market like cloth filters, media filters, sand filters, sand filter beds of various types, disk filters as well as screen filters. Particular filters termed as the point of use filters can be used in homes with special accessories too.

Outdoor Water Filter Parts

Special membranes are used for ultra filtration processes, the CBR or carbon block resin, filters that are micro porous ceramic, filters that are metallic alloy in nature and carbon filtering membranes are some of the filters that are activated by granules. Filtration methods of more than one kind are used in certain filters. Water used for drinking can be filtered in jug filters, built in filters in kettles etc for reducing build up of lime scale. Water filters of the portable kind are also used for filtering water. Many of the medical aid organizations, military forces, hikers etc make the best use of portable filters which are light in weight and small and work on a hand pump that can be used mechanically.

A drip system that is siphon based is also used for filtering dirty water. The microbial cysts, bacteria and protozoa that cause diseases are removed by these filters easily. Impurities can get into the fine meshes in the filters which are clogged, which increases the need of getting the mesh cleaned or replaced. Even the outside of these filters, water filters parts & accessories need to be abraded or cleaned. A process called water polishing is also followed for removing material that is not wanted of microscopic kind from the water.

Pads in polyester or nylon are used for getting the micro particles captured in this water filtration process. A filter used for filtering water is nothing but a device used for purifying and removing any impure particles. Water used for drinking purposes must be filtered as it can contain impurities and microbes of different kinds. Fish in aquariums are dependent of clean and filtered water. There are different kinds of filters available for different kinds of filtration needs. Some of the filters have a few barriers while a few others have multi barriers.

If the number of barriers is more then you can get the safest filtered water. The filters used for homes are very different from those used for commercial purpose. A number of manufacturers make water filter parts & accessories and filters as well. It is best to contact only those water filter manufacturers who make high quality products and provide the best after sales services. Regular servicing needs to be done and the cartridge or the water filter must be replaced every quarter or half yearly. Understanding the duration needed for getting the water filter replaced is very important.

REI.Com - Camping Water Filters

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"At REI, we love to get outside and play, and we know first-hand the importance of quality outdoor gear. We stand behind all our products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, and we design our own line of award-winning REI brand gear and clothing. Whether you're new to outdoor adventure or a seasoned pro, we gladly share our enthusiasm for our products—and the trails, slopes and waterways where we play."

Camping Water Filters

You'll be blown away by how fast you can fill a water bottle with the MSR HyperFlow™ water filter.

Backpacker April '08: ''The HyperFlow is so fast and light it converted several editors who had sworn off
filters in favor of chemical treatment.''
Hollow fiber technology offers an extremely high flow rate of 2.75 liters per minute
At just 7.8 oz., the HyperFlow is the lightest, most compact pump filter created by MSR
Filter physically removes particles, protozoa, and bacteria down to 0.2 microns in size, including giardia, salmonella, cryptosporidia and others
Pump is fully field maintainable and does not require tools for complete disassembly
Included Quick-Connect™ bottle cap interfaces with MSR hydration products, Nalgene bottles and other containers with 63mm threaded openings
Quick-Connect™ cap allows the pump to attach directly to the bottle or hydration bladder for the most convenient filling
Included prefilter attaches to the end of the intake hose and blocks larger contaminants from entering the microfilter
Prefilter floats near the surface of the water to avoid intake of contaminants located at the floor of your water source
Over-molded end caps on the pump provide an excellent grip and pumping comfort
Adapt the HyperFlow pump into a pump-free gravity filter with the HyperFlow Gravity kit, sold separately
MSR has identified and fixed a flow rate issue affecting some cartridges in MSR HyperFlow microfilters.

Official website www.rei.com

Individual Water Purification Systems and Products at Katadyn Group Worldwide

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The Swiss Katadyn company is the world’s Number One for individual water purification systems and products, with a global market share exceeding 50 percent. Katadyn has been developing water filters, chlorine and silver-based sterilizing agents, and mobile desalinators for the trekking and marine markets for over 80 years now. Numerous international relief organizations and special army units rely on the products of Katadyn for survival and life saving.

Water treatment products

The company has further diversified by adding two other outdoor market brands: “Trek’n Eat”, the Number One for freeze-dried outdoor and expedition foods in Europe and the Swedish brand Optimus with its range of outdoor stoves and accessories. At the end of 2009 Katadyn expanded its sphere of operations into the industrial and municipal water treatment sector by acquiring a majority stake in AQUAFIDES Switzerland and Germany.

Katadyn is headquartered in Wallisellen-Zürich, Switzerland, and operates subsidiaries and sales offices in Germany, France, the U.S.A., Sweden, and Singapore. The group employs some 100 persons worldwide and achieved a turnover of roughly 38 million Swiss Francs in 2009.

Water Purifier Portable Water Purification System

Water treatment products are in high demand for outdoor enthusiasts, international travelers, relief groups, and preparedness minded individuals. Katadyn provides you with a water system for every need – including traveling, camping, backpacking, sailing, paddling, fishing, biking, etc.

Official website katadyn.com

TheCampingWaterFilter.Net - Camping Water Filters & Accessories

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The Camping Water Filter Company provides leading reviews and resources for the most durable and effective Camping Water Filters on the market. "We review leading brands such as Katadyn and Lifesaver and provide feedback and articles on their features, effectiveness and limitations".

TheCampingWaterFilter.Net - Camping Water Filters & Accessories

The Camping Water Filter Company is one of the worlds leading resources for passionate Campers, Trekkers and Mountaineers looking for that edge on their next trip into the wilderness." Outside of emergency communication there are few more important pieces of equipment than a reliable water filter that can provide you with long lasting clean filtered water.

The Camping Water Filter is a leading e-trailer specializing in outdoor water filtration products. We review, source and recommend the latest Camping Water Filters at the most competitive online prices. "We are proud to range the most respected outdoor brands in the market.

There are Camping Water Filters and there are camping water filters. The Katadyn Pocket Water Filter is a sturdy and some say unbreakable water filter suited mainly for outdoor campers and treckers. While the price may put you off a little to start with when you think this one cartridge could last a lifetime without a replacement you start to realize that long term your saving money over the cheaper replacement plastic style pocket water filters.

Camping Water Filters

The Katadyn is made from solid steel and has a filter made from silver. Overall it will pump 13000 gallons of water which is an impressive throughput and filtration life.

Official website thecampingwaterfilter.net

DrinkSafe-Systems.Co.Uk - Portable Water Purifiers

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Drinksafe-systems use a patented filter. The filter is a highly complex device and must trap and retain debris, attract and absorb chemicals and compounds, removing the threat from causes of disease and sickness that may be found in freshwater sources.

Unlike other systems our tests were conducted on live disease causes and were proven to remove threats instantly - conducted by UK Government Environment Agency National Laboratory Service.

Drinksafe-systems use a patented filter

The purified water filter used by drinksafe-systems is the result of 35 years water technology expertise provided by a USA company and tested worldwide.

Over 3 million filter systems have been made and supplied to peacekeeping forces, Aid Agencies including the Red Cross and overseas missions – delivering safe clean tasting water worldwide. 45,00 units were shipped 2010 Haiti Disaster Relief alone.

Official website drinksafe-systems.co.uk

Smart-Camping-Guide.Com - Backpacking Water Filter Systems

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For many enthusiasts a backpacking water filter is essential gear needed, since we can only carry so much water in a pack and the risk of drinking water without backpacking filters from a stream or other source is just not worth the risk.

There are many quality backpacking and hiking water filters on the market that consumers and we found are just the ticket for needing a compact but effective unit at an affordable cost which are supplied by the popular Katadyn and MSR brands.

Smart-Camping-Guide.Com - Backpacking Water Filter Systems

If you're new to buying water purifying and filtering systems for the outdoors we would advise you to take a look at the Camping water filter and purifiers guide to gain a better understanding of how they function and which type is best suited for you.

We take a look at the best filters on the market today that outdoor enthusiasts have put to the test that should provide a good idea of where you want be spending your hard earned cash.

The only thing more important than staying light on your feet during a long hike is staying properly hydrated with clean, bacteria-free water. Now any water source you pass can be a place to refill your water bottles and canteens without hauling a heavy, bulky water-purifying system. These lightweight filters pack away compactly into your gear and deliver up to one quart of water per minute.

Water purifying and filtering systems for the outdoors

The Pocket Microfilter is the most rugged, highest-capacity microfilter on the market. Katadyn's exclusive silver-impregnated ceramic element eliminates most waterborne bacteria, protozoa and cysts, and filters up to 13,000 gallons before needing to replace the cartridge. The heavy-duty construction lasts throughout your travels and comes with a lifetime guarantee. Includes prefilter, bottle clip, carry bag, measuring gauge and cleaning pad. Replacement cartridges are available.

Official website  smart-camping-guide.com

Outdoor Water Filter Systems at Gaiam.Com

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Gaiam is a lifestyle media company that focuses on conscious solutions for personal transformation. "We offer the resources you need to achieve self-growth, live a healthy lifestyle or to positively transform your life.


Our personal growth media empowers you to create your own personal development path toward the life transformation you seek". Your skin soaks up chemicals from everything it touches, and harmful bacteria can grow unchecked in old showerheads. Protect your health with a Gaiam showerhead that has a replaceable filter designed to remove unpleasant chemicals and harmful toxins. You’ll protect your skin and start your day feeling clean and fresh.

Outdoor Water Filter Systems at Gaiam.Com

The Rain Shower Filter uses a unique filter to pH balance your tap water while eliminating contaminants and harmful chlorine vapors. The RainShower Filter's patented filtration system offers multiple health benefits while leaving your hair and skin silky smooth.

RainShower has a 20" double extension arm, a 6" head for a spa-like waterfall experience, five spray settings and locking hinged joints to custom-adjust the height. Chrome-plated brass. Filter cartridge lasts 3 months or 10,000 gallons.

Official website gaiam.com

Outdoor Water Purifier Models

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We all like to draw our water from nature when camping or hiking, but even a stream that looks clean may not be. Microorganisms most often come from animal and human waste and are spread by water run-off. Since we can’t visually detect contaminated water, it’s best to protect yourself with a water purifier.

fastest portable UV water purifier available

Thousands of outdoor enthusiasts all over the world have trusted SteriPEN for many years. Introduced to hikers and campers at REI in 1999, TIME Magazine named the SteriPEN one of the “Best Inventions of the Year” in 2001.

Outdoor Water Purifier Models

Now known as the first and fastest portable UV water purifier available, SteriPEN’s speed, effectiveness and portability have impressed end users and media alike. Backpacker Magazine, Newsweek, and the Today Show have featured SteriPEN as a powerful, user-friendly alternative to pumps, chemicals and filters.

SteriPEN offers five models created for the outdoors. All are lightweight, sturdy and compact – easy to pack and carry when you’re hiking or camping. And whatever your source of water – stream, lake, pond or snow on the ground – use SteriPEN water purifiers to make your water safe to drink.

Official website steripen.com

Outdoor Water Purifiers from MyWaterPurifier.com

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Founded on Year 2003 June. ALKOH is a retail and specialist in water filtration system. In order to serve our customer better.


We are providing services that supply, retail, repair and installation, all under one reef! Your water treatment One Stop Solution.

Outdoor Water Purifiers from MyWaterPurifier.com

We greatly appreciated of your support. We have currently brought in a better and more advance water filter system that can provide cleaner and healthy water.

Our friendly staff are eager to serve you better and recommend you the water filtration system that suit you most.

Official website mywaterpurifier.com

Micro Filter - MSR MiniWorks EX at SportChalet.com

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We offer sporting goods for all sports activities including fitness, tennis, basketball, fishing, soccer, skateboarding, golf, fitness, baseball, running, camping, SCUBA, and swimming. We also offer expert advice, adventure travel and sports equipment rentals, including snowboard rentals, ski rentals, camping rentals, watersport rentals and more!

Micro Filter - MSR MiniWorks EX at SportChalet.com

The MiniWorks EX microfilter is the worldwide best-selling microfilter, delivering long-lasting, field-maintainable water filtration in demanding environments. Engineered for frequent and heavy use, it utilizes our workhorse Marathon™ EX carbon/ceramic element to ensure clean, reliable and taste-free water.

Thanks to its innovative AirSpring Accumulator™, it’s capable of pumping one liter per minute and the flow rate can be renewed easily and repeatedly in the field—no tools required. It’s lightweight and compact and, most importantly, been proven reliable by thousands of adventurers just like you.


  • Reliable: Durable carbon/ceramic element ensures safe, taste-free water—even with frequent, heavy use.
  • Field-maintainable: Can be cleaned repeatedly for full filter recovery with no tools required.
  • Fast Flow: AirSpring Accumulator™ increases filtration speed; up to 1-liter per minute.
  • Better-tasting Water: Carbon core removes unpleasant tastes and odors caused by organic compounds, such as iodine, chlorine, and pesticides.

Official website sportchalet.com

Diamond Outdoor Water Filter by Diamond.com.my

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After over 30 years of research, Japanese scientists succeeded in developing Energy Conversion technology that helps break water molecule clusters into smaller clusters for easier absorption. This technology is very popular in Japan, and has been widely hailed as a breakthrough health therapy.

Water Filter by Diamond.com.my

Diamond Spring Water System is based on this advanced Energy Converter technology. Its revolutionary 6-filter design not only provides the cleanest, purest water around, but also helps break down water molecule clusters into smaller clusters for easier absorption by the body's cells, thus improving the transfer of nutrients and enhancing metabolism.

Diamond Outdoor Water Filter by Diamond.com.my

Diamond Spring Water System was introduced to the market in 1998. Since then, more and more people have been greatly benefited. The benefits received cannot be contained within, these users shared their good news with their relatives and friends. Many even thank the company with their testimonies.

Official website Diamond.com.my